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Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate 5EO 4PO(C.P-B.D.G)

Matangi Industries is a global manufacturer and supplier of Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate 5EO 4PO(C.P-B.D.G) based in India. We export Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate 5EO 4PO(C.P-B.D.G) in bulk quantities to the USA, Canada, Brazil, and other European, Oceanic, and Asian countries.

Description of Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate 5EO 4PO(C.P-B.D.G)

Additional Information of Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate 5EO 4PO(C.P-B.D.G)

Chemical Qualification EO/PO block copolymer

Technical details of Lauryl alcohol ethoxylate 5EO 4PO(C.P-B.D.G)

Appearance @ 25°C Clear to slightly hazy liquid
Color APHA max. 150
pH 5% in distilled water 6-8
Moisture content % by KF max. 1
CP 5 gm in 25 gm of 25% BDG Solution 40-44

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